Time management & job searching - ENG


How can I best organize my agenda, my pace, my job search perhaps while studying? How to support my new work experience while seeking balance? How to "test" a company and smartworking? Let's see it together! Managed by Alessandra Lupinacci, Communication & HR Advisor. The meeting will take place on Zoom. Registration is mandatory and students/graduates registered will receive the Zoom link on their University email the day before.


Online meeting - Milano (MI)
martedì 21 maggio 2024 dalle 14:00 alle 15:30


Schiavone Aurelio - COSP - Ufficio Orientamento Post- Laurea e Placement
E-mail: placement.aziende@unimi.it

Sito web


Sono scaduti i termini per la registrazione all'evento.