IV Group - Looking for a job with a PhD + LinkedIn profile: tips & tricks for PhDs - PhD course XXXVI Cycle (English version)


Basic knowledge and tools to build an effective LinkedIn profile, starting from how your personal brand is created on digital platforms. Effective self-communication through writing: express yourself in a relevant way and expand your network, increasing the chances of finding a job in line with your expectations and skills. Reserved for PhD programmes cycle XXXVI, online. Registered participants will receive instructions for online participation the day before the event. By FindYourDoc.


Online meeting - Milano (MI)
venerdì 7 luglio 2023 dalle 14:00 alle 17:00
lunedì 10 luglio 2023 dalle 09:30 alle 12:30


Santini Emiliano - COSP - Ufficio Orientamento Post- Laurea e Placement
E-mail: placement.aziende@unimi.it

Sito web


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