Guidelines governing the employment contract of language trainers and collaborators
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Working hours
Working activity is carried out for 12 months with a weekly total amount of working hours of 9 hours and 35 minutes. Such schedule is an average value of the commitment required for language trainers, which is naturally subject to variation depending on the needs dictated by the study courses and the SLAM Centre.
The carried out complementary teaching activity is set in 280 hours and must be guaranteed by the language trainers on the days and times previously scheduled by the SLAM Centre and according to the didactic needs of the study courses and of SLAM Centre itself.
Inizio paginaAttendace system when in service
Language trainers are required to regularly clock in with the designated badge (La Statale Card) provided by the University in order to record their attendance and working hours when in service. This can be done using the clocking-in machines located at the entrance of the University facilities in which the activity is carried out.
Attendance records may be verified through the Startweb platform currently used at the University.
During the days in which the working activity lasts for a total amount of working hours higher than six, the language trainer is required to take a break, regularly clocked in, of at least 10 minutes.
For the days in which the break will result as regularly clocked in, with a working activity of more than six hours, a meal voucher will be gained; it will not be gained during the days on which the break will not result as regularly clocked in. Nonetheless, the established minimum break period of 10 minutes will still be deducted.
Any extra activity carried out beyond the established total amount of working hours will have to be made up during the same year in which the extra activity has occurred, in order to allow a greater flexibility and guarantee the attendance in periods of greater need; any extra activity will not be paid. A request for the usage of the hours accumulated beyond the daily regular service has to be pre-emptively authorised by the SLAM Centre Director, after hearing the relevant teachers.
Inizio paginaAbsence from service
Language trainers are subject to the regulations regarding holidays, leave and other types of absence from service provided for by the Collective Agreement of the Instruction and Research Sector in force, and by the legal provisions laid down by the same, as far as compatible.
Holidays, in proportion to the actual period of activity, must be taken during each solar year, during the suspension of educational activities.
According to the 12-month employment contract, accrued vacation is calculated as follows:
26 days of vacation and 4 days of so-called abolished holidays for the first three years.
28 days of vacation and 4 days of so-called abolished holidays after the first three years.
Holidays have to be taken in the month of August and during the suspension of educational activity, and in any case, compatibly with such periods and with the schedule agreed with the Supervisor of language training and with the teachers in charge.
Any absence or holiday, following prior authorisation of the SLAM Centre Director, must be uploaded on the Startweb platform.
Absence due to sickness, that is, its potential continuation, must be notified promptly and before the start of the activity at the Staff Attendance Office ( and at the SLAM Centre and at the teachers in charge in order to reschedule the activities.
For further information please refer to the dedicated website page lastatale@work, which lists the institutes included in the employment contract.
Inizio paginaLeave
According to the Collective Agreement of the Instruction and Research Sector in force, Language trainers may also benefit from the following typologies of leave:
leave for assembly (maximum no. of hours per year: 4);
leave pursuant to art. 48 of the Collective Agreement 2016-2018 for family and personal reasons (maximum no. of hours per year: 6);
leave pursuant to art. 51 of the Collective Agreement 2016-2018 for specialist visits, exams and diagnostic services (maximum no. of hours per year: 6);
leave for competitions/exams pursuant to art. 47 c. 1.a (maximum no. of days per year: 8);
funeral leave (3 days for each occurrence).
Making up for absences due to illness/hospitalization, paid leave and participation in strike days is not required.
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