Health surveillance



In order to ensure the health surveillance of permanent and non-permanent staff (including those working in external institutions) exposed to chemical, biological and mechanical hazards and to risks associated with the use of display screen equipment (DSE), the following forms must be filled in. These forms may be completed in electronic format only (forms filled in by hand will not be accepted); the printed forms with all required signatures must be sent to the Ufficio del Servizio Prevenzione e Sicurezza sul Lavoro (Office of Safety and Prevention in the Workplace).
University personnel working in Companies and external institutions - University personnel subject to health surveillance by the host institution (e.g. personnel working for a hospital) can simply send the Office a copy of the medical certificate of fitness to work (initial and periodical) issued by the host's occupational physician.
N.B. Carefully read the instructions (Notes) before completing the forms. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to fill in the forms. A free download of the latest version is available here.


Communication form for personnel involved in activities associated with a risk of exposure to chemical agents, carcinogens and mutagens.

Clarifications for completing the assessment sheets.
The new classification and labelling system for substances and compounds (CLP Regulation) provides for a period of transition until the definitive abrogation of the previous norms on the subject. In particular, there will be a dual classification up to 1 June 2015; until then, either risk "R" or hazard "H" may be used indifferently.